Dynamics 365 CRM ODATA and You: A Friendly Guide to Querying Data in Dataverse and beyond

  • Wednesday, October 12, 2022:3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Room: Desoto 2 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  715


Sometimes when we build a flow, we need to fetch records that match certain conditions. How do you do this? You can build a flow that fetches everything or if you use OData, you can fetch only the records you need! In this session, you'll learn the quirks and features of OData, which is what you'll be using to fetch specific records. You'll leave this session with a fresh perspective and new knowledge on this amazing technology that will help you be a more effective flow writer.

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Learning Objectives

Gain a deeper understanding of how to fetch specific records in flows.
Leverage Dataverse in new ways so you can write better workflows.
Chew on quick actionable tips that will immediately improve your effectiveness in workflow automation.



Nick Hance
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