Crash Course on REST APIs

  • Wednesday, October 12, 2022:10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
  • Room: Suwannee 1 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  634


In this era of single purpose web based applications, it is becoming more and more necessary to integrate solutions. One of the most common integration standards out there right now is REST. But what does that mean? In this introductory level session we will go over what exactly a REST API is, and how you can decide if the one you are looking at is a good one.

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Learning Objectives

1. Intro to REST APIs 2. Establishing when a REST API benefits you 3. Pitfalls to watch out for


Chris Hanson
Product Manager
eOne Integrated Business Solutions
Rod O'Connor
Jack of all trades
eOne Integrated Business Solutions