Configuring and Using Warehousing in Business Central

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Room: Destin 1 - Convention Center, Level 2
  • Session Number:  964
  • / CEU Credits:1


Business Central isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, Business Central provides numerous configuration options to enable warehouses and supply chains to manage their specific processes.

What is Business Central capable of when it comes to warehouse configurations? Join this session, and we will provide an overview of warehouse configuration options and approaches in Business Central.

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Learning Objectives

- Understand how to decide which configuration and documents make sense for you
- Understand basic functionality, including inventory put-aways, picks, & movements.
- Delve into advanced features, including warehouse receipts, various worksheets, bins, and the warehouse item reclassification journal.
- Understand the different classes of warehouse configuration
- Learn how the Location configuration options impact Warehouse Documents
- Learn how to use various Warehouse Documents, such as Warehouse Shipments, Picks, and Movements



Mark Hamblin
Solution Advisor
Insight Works