Your Order Entry Process can be Better: Integrating Business Central with Dynamics 365 CRM Sales

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022:9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
  • Room: Suwannee 1 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  671


Does your sales team use CRM for opportunity management but enter customer Sales Orders in BC, NAV, or GP? Did you know that you can simplify the sales order process and reduce licensing costs by having salespeople enter the sales orders in CRM and integrating them to BC, NAV, or GP?

Complete Session Survey Here

Learning Objectives

Understand the integrated sales order process in a detailed capacity via these activities:
-Create estimates in Dynamics 365 Sales
-Convert estimates to orders in Dynamics 365 Sales
-Integrate orders in BC
-Create Assembly BOMs to include all items
-Record prepayments
-Send Prepayment Invoices



Kellen Riley
Senior Technical Consulting Manager
Syvantis Technologies, Inc.