Sales Dashboards that Make a Difference with D365 CE (CRM)

  • Wednesday, October 12, 2022:3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Room: Lafayette 1 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  662


Remember your demo of Dynamics 365? The dashboards looked so helpful, intuitive and even exciting? But a few years in, they aren't as useful as you had thought, creating new ones is frustrating, and maybe they've become overly complicated. In this session, you will learn how to fix all of that. You'll learn the value of the included dashboards, how to create a first generation of truly helpful dashboards, and 2 more generations of dashboards that will change the performance of your team!

Complete Session Survey Here

Learning Objectives

· First, second and third generation sales dashboard techniques
· A solution containing a "first generation" sales dashboards that you can install
· Why CRM can't handle your long-term dashboard needs and what to do about it
· Why manually entering metrics isn't always a bad thing


Tricia Desso-Cox
Managing Director
C5 Insight