How to Achieve Sales and Marketing Alignment with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Marketing Automation

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Room: Escambia - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  653


It's easy to silo marketing and sales teams, but sales and marketing alignment works best when both teams are working with the same information. Whether you use Microsoft Dynamics CE, CRM or Sales, you can leverage your sales data as part of your marketing automation strategy and your marketing data to move prospects through the sales funnel. In this session, we will look at how sales teams can leverage the information marketing feeds into CRM and vice versa.

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Learning Objectives

- The benefits of sales and marketing alignment
- How to use marketing data in CRM to close more deals
- How to track success across both departments



Monica Hoyer
Marketing Director
Rick McCutcheon
Microsoft Dynamics 365 MVP and Host