Harmonize Lead Generation in D365 CE (CRM): Marketing Demand Gen vs. Sales Lead Nurturing

  • Wednesday, October 12, 2022:3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Room: Escambia - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  648


You need to harmonize lead data in D365 with marketing demand generation. But with hundreds of tools that integrate into D365 CE/CRM, how can you facilitate a seamless interaction? Join Blythe Morrow to learn how sales and marketing can work together to better grow revenue numbers. What are the rules of engagement for taking leads from cold to warm and through to MQL? How can we do a better job of using other tools to complement the D365 CRM tool as we create demand in the market?

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Learning Objectives

Deep dive into Marketing attribution data
Is it outbound marketing or inbound sales? Whats the difference?
Where the functionality in Dynamics ends - the dark funnels of demand generation and how to handle them


Blythe Morrow
Managing Director
Paper Sword B2B