Power Automate Custom Connectors: Using Advanced Features

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Room: Lafayette 1 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  587


Learn how to make custom connectors with field values that depend on other fields, with connector field inputs that are dynamically generated at runtime, with type-sensitive fields that allow advanced validation, and how to use policy templates to stretch Power Automate to meet the unique needs of your API. Learn from examples in real-world published connectors using all of the techniques above.

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Learning Objectives

Learn how to use advanced techniques to make connectors that your citizen developers will love.
Understand how to build connectors that are variable at runtime, reducing the need to change the custom connector when the API changes.
Learn how to build connectors that are unique for each use.


Nick Hance
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