Power BI Dataset Tuning

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Room: Lafayette 5 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  577


Most Power BI reports rely on a small dataset. And due to a lighting fast data engine most data model mistakes are shadowed by the speed of the service. When the dataset gets bigger then better data modeling practices are required. The trick here is Power BI data engine is not relational and therefore most data modeling techniques either don’t apply or don’t deliver. In this session we will go over how to model and measure performance for larger Power BI datasets.

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Learning Objectives

Participants will learn internal aspects of datasets and how to better import data into Power BI for performance. Compression techniques. Data import techniques.


Armando Lacerda
Cloud Data Platform Architect
MC Tech