Single Source of Truth - Using Power BI Dataflows to Optimize Organizational Reporting

  • Tuesday, October 11, 2022:11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Room: Suwannee 2 - Convention Center, Mezzanine
  • Session Number:  573


Dataflows are a potent aspect of the Power BI platform that, if used correctly, can facilitate consistent and accurate reporting across the entire organization, and at all levels of granularity. From how to create a dataflow to how to store, grant access, and make them discoverable across the org, this session is designed to arm you with the knowledge to create curated, accessible dataflows to develop your organization's single source of truth.

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Learning Objectives

Learn what dataflows are, understand the benefits of dataflows, demonstrate how to create/store/share dataflows for content development, demonstrate how to best leverage dataflows to facilitate single-source-of-truth reporting across the organization



Michael Oliva
Principal Consultant