Protecting your Dynamics GP Data / SQL Data from Ransomware

  • Thursday, October 13, 2022:10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Room: Osceola 4 - Convention Center, Level 2
  • Session Number:  544


I understand the limits in resources that smaller organizations have. Today, we all need to understand and increase the protection of one of our organizations most valued assets, Its DATA. Not only from malice intent but also disasters. Organizations need to be able to protect their data and have it recoverable. In this session we talk about some simple low cost solutions that will protect your data. We focus on SQL Data and back-ups but these solutions will work with any of your companies data.

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Learning Objectives

- Why I need to protect by Backup Data or any Data
- Understanding SQL Back-Up Strategies
- File backup sites vs local storage
- Using NAS's and Other Storage Solutions


Kerry Hataley
Nanook Software, Inc